Midsummer Lie's Dream

An Oberon-Vortigern Mini Zine


⁑What is a (mini) zine?
A zine is usually a small, self-made booklet involving art and/or writing of creative expression. This has evolved in recent times to involve projects like group artbooks and anthologies. We're doing the same as the latter category of zines, just on a smaller scale.

⁑Will this be for profit or charity?
This is a for profit project.

⁑What exactly will be featured in this zine?
The main focus of the zine is Oberon in any of his ascensions. Other characters and interactions will be allowed in the zine, but the main focus of each piece will always be Oberon. "Ships" must remain platonic and content rating will be within the same range as the original game.

⁑Who will be able to take part in the project?
We are currently looking to take on 1 cover artist, 8 page artists, 2 merch artists, and 2 writers through applications. Including pre-selected guests, we will have a total of 10 artists, 3 merch artists, and 3 writers.

⁑How will contributors be compensated?
All contributors will receive a physical book at minimum with free shipping. As funds allow, all contributors can receive up to a full bundle for free and extra items at production cost. Final monetary compensation will be split evenly among all participants of the zine.

⁑What will happen with my art?
Aside from being used in this project, all rights remain with the artists and can be used as they wish after the project has concluded. During the project, however, we ask that all art involved with the project is not shared without permission.

⁑Where will you be shipping from?

Seasonal Tea

Hi! I'm Keii or Tea and will be taking care of "Midsummer Lie's Dream" modding duties! I've been on the zine scene for something over 4 years now--almost as long as I've been playing FGO. I really wanted to do a small project for one of my favourite characters from the game for a while and, after finishing off the Arjuna discord server PDF, I decided on Oberon! I'm excited to work with the team I manage to gather and can't wait for all the Oberon content to come!


⁑What do I need when applying?
For artists, please provide a portfolio of at least 3 completed works. Art of Oberon is not required, but preferred.
For merch artists, please include works that best represent how you would design merchandise for this project based on the options you choose during the application process. Please note we will prefer merch artists to design at least 2 items for the zine.
For writers, please provide 3 samples of writing between 1.5 and 1.75k words, with one sample being a complete work. Samples with Oberon are not required, but highly preferred.
⁑Will you accept traditional art?
Yes! As long as you can scan and provide your art at 300dpi resolution and in good visual quality, feel free to apply.
⁑What will you be judging?
Artist apps will be judged based on three main components: anatomy, composition, and coherency. Anatomy will not be strictly by the book, but also how fluid and believable one's characters are. Composition will include backgrounds, colors, and spacing in the art. Coherency will be how well we judge everything to fit together as a piece and whether an artist's style will work together with the project as a whole.
Merch artist apps will be judged similarly, but with the frame of reference of how well their art would work in their desired merchandise positions.
Writers will be judged on basic English grammar and spelling conventions (any standard English is acceptable in apps, but the final project will use USA spelling). We will also be checking for general flow of reading and characterization.
⁑Do you have an age restriction for this project?
As this is a fully SFW project, we do not have an age minimum requirement. That said, this is a for-profit venture and if a minor wishes to join, we strongly advise for them to have parental permission as we will require a shipping address and/or Paypal for compensation (if compensation is chosen). We will not be vetting minors vs adults and will trust our applicants to approach their online activities with integrity.
⁑What sort of content is acceptable for apps?
We require portfolios/samples remain SFW as that is the type of content of the project itself. Socials/sites are not restricted. Ship content is allowed, but nothing in the project itself will involve explicitly romantic relationships so be sure to show off that you can highlight a single featured character!


21.10.19 - 21.11.13
Interest Check

21.11.20 - 21.12.25
Contributor Applications

Contributor Results

Creation Start

Check-in 1

Check-in 2

Check-in 3

Final Submissions

Preorders Open

Preorders Close

22.06 - 22.07

Leftover Sales